FAQ-answers to popular questions about Mustang Tattoo products

Availability and characteristics of goods

Where can I see product specifications?

In the product description under its image, click the "Characteristics" tab. If there is no information in the section, see the instruction: it is laid out in a separate file in PDF format under the heading "Instructions and certificates" in the same tab.

Can I check the product before buying?

Yes of course, there are 2 options how you can check the product before buying, test it in our office or issue test-drive on the website (only for Russia)

Why on the site at first was one price, and then it changed?

Prices of goods may vary for various reasons. For example, because of promotions and special offers. Actual is the price that is listed on the site at the time of ordering.

Can I order goods to another city or country?

Delivery in Russia is carried out by the logistic company СДЕК. Delivery to other countries should be discussed with our managers.
You can also see the section where to buy and order goods from our partners.

Advice on the operation of equipment

Where to go for advice and on the operation of the equipment?

For all questions related to the operation of our equipment, please call customer service Mustang Tattoo. The support service is open from 11:00 to 19: 00 Moscow time. You can also ask a question on the website in the form below

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